Our Females
Breezee is a very sweet girl who just craves attention, and she deserves it because she is such an awesome girl. Loves to be with her family and stays close when off leash which is great! Breezee loves to come on adventures with us. She is about 20 pounds, and very fluffy! Her eyes are mostly brown but one of them has a fleck of pretty blue, and she produces blue eyed puppies! So much fun! We love your Breezee!
Affectionate and enthusiastic ! Love Bug is so much fun ! She resides in a wonderful local Guardian Home, where she receives monthly grooming sessions and lots of attention, which she of course loves to soak right up! Love Bug is a great Pomsky who is about 20 pounds and very fluffy! Can't wait to see her adorable puppies one day. Stay tuned for updates!