AKC Akita Puppies
Born: October 2, 2016
(Available for homes on : November 25, 2016)
4M / 3F
nice boy overall. Will mature into the classic fawn Akita coloring.

Male 2 - SOLD TO MICHAEL OF ILLINOIS - gorgeous boy,
slightly long coated, will look similar to his uncle, Ewok, when
mature, and probably a bit darker in color. He has a very playful temperament!

Male 3 - SOLD TO GEORGE & SHEILA OF ALASKA - Biggest of litter, excellent structure, coat and wide head, a bit more independently minded so far, but is still interactive and playful.

Male 4 - SOLD - gorgeous boy, slightly long coated, will look similar to his uncle, Ewok, when mature.

Female 1 - SOLD TO TOM & JODI OF ALASKA - this little sweetie pie needs a special home, please contact me for details on this special girl.

Female 2 - SOLD - Pick of litter female, named "Pearl" ... this girl HAS IT ALL !!! Would excel either in the show ring, or could be included in my foster program.

Female 3 - SOLD TO JENN OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - if you want a baby bear, this is your girl! Spunky personality too.

! Thanks for looking !
! Once Akita Always Akita !