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This is just a sampling from the hundreds of pictures people send me from their lovable bears, from all over the Nation and Canada. Most of these Akitas are under 2 years old, so still have some filling out yet to do. Enjoy the examples below of American, Japanese, and Tweenie type Akitas. All are AKC registered, good examples of the Akita breed, produced here at Arctic Akitas.

Ren, a young long coat American type Akita

Ren, a young, long coat American type Akita

A black brindle American type Akita , a Dora x Choco daughter

A young silver brindle long coat Tweenie type Akita (American mixed with Japanese)

A black brindle American type Akita, a Dora x Choco daughter

A fawn with black mask Tweenie type Akita , leaning slightly more towards the Japanese type

Pup on left (Pinto American type) , pup on right (Red Japanese type)

Ren, a young long coat American type Akita

American type Akita

American type Akita

American type Akita

Tweenie type Akita (American mixed with Japanese)

American type Akita

American type Akita

Long coat American type Akita

American type Akita

American type Akita

Tweenie type Akita

Tweenie type Akita

A young red and white Japanese type Akita

Spartan, an American type Akita

American type Akita

Buster, a long coat Tweenie type Akita

Love this big bear of a boy !!

A beautiful Tweenie type Akita, leaning slightly more towards the Japanese type

Loyal till the end !!

American type Akita

Apparently she only poses for pix at bathtime lol

Pure Japanese type Akitas (Kai x Kara)

Sisters !!

American type Akita

Same girl who had her bathtime photo above lol

Buster, a long coat Tweenie type Akita

A beautiful Tweenie type Akita, leaning slightly more towards the Japanese type

Gorgeous Tweenie type Akita, leaning slightly more towards the Japanese type

A cute American type Akita puppy girl

American type Akita pup

American type Akita

25 % Japanese / 75 % American type Akita

Tweenie type Akita (50/50 American / Japanese types)

Tweenie type Akita pup

Long coat American type Akita

Jigger - Tweenie type Akita - Color / type of Japanese, size / bulk of American types

Norman - Pure Japanese Akita Inu boy

Norman - Pure Japanese Akita Inu boy

Pinto long coat American type Akita

Maverick - long coat AKC Pure Japanese Akita Inu boy

American Akita puppy girl

Red and white Japanese type Akita boy living in California

A young long coat red and white Japanese type Akita girl

Pup on left produced by Arctic Akitas - a mostly American type Akita 

boy with 25 % Japanese Akita Inu type , name : Mouse :-)

25 % Japanese type, 75 % American type

25 % Japanese type, 75 % American type - his name is MOUSE !! :-)

Brindle American type Akita puppy boy

More updates to come soon,

or see all updates on my

Instagram account, @Arctic_Akitas , and on YouTube

Thanks for looking! 

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