About Us
I'm Melissa Losh, and I've been in Fairbanks since 2010, raising gorgeous and healthy AKC Akitas and Shiba Inu dogs. When I found out about Pomskies several years ago, I had to learn more! From their compact size to their adorable fluffy fur and lively personalities, I knew I wanted in on this opportunity! Thus, the journey began!
Pomskies are a combination between Pomeranians and Huskies. We raise puppies with the best mix of traits from these breeds. Please do some research on the Pomsky breed to best familiarize yourself with their wonderful qualities. Pomskies are a relatively new breed that is swiftly gaining popularity, and more interest.
It is critical that these dogs are bred in an ethical manner, to further develop this new breed in ways that are beneficial to the dog in the long term. That is why we have implemented the same level of care and concern with these dogs, as we have always done with our Akitas and Shibas. We are members of the International Pomsky Association and follow their Code of Ethics. You can read more on my page, Our Philosophy.
All breeding dogs are health tested and temperaments are assessed for being excellent family companions. Being that I have a long history of raising wonderful puppies for families all over the Nation and Canada, you can be assured that your new Pomsky Puppy will be backed with the honesty and integrity that has always been a part of Arctic Akitas. You can read some reviews of our past puppies on my page, Reviews/Testimonials. Feel free to reach out to me any time and I'd be happy to chat! Thank you.