American & Japanese Akita Inu Dogs
American Kennel Club (A.K.C.)
For Shiba Inus, click HERE
For Pomskies, click HERE

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"WAIT LIST INFO" page. Thanks!
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Instagram @Arctic_Akitas ,
and on YouTube by clicking HERE
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question if you'd like!
Our sweet girl, Ariel
We are a small home based kennel, located on 4 acres of beautiful birch forest, right in the Golden Heart of Alaska. Our dogs are survivors of the arctic conditions Fairbanks is known for, and loving it! They are strong physically, and in spirit, as was so important when they were doing their original job - hunting bears. We do have bears here, as well as moose, caribou, and other animals that our Akitas protect our property from. We raise both American and Japanese Akita Inu dogs, combining the best traits of both types, to produce the "ideal" Akita that every breeder hopes and prays for. We strive to produce sound Akitas with true instincts that hearken back to the old time, when dogs with curly tails, fluffy fur and pointy ears roamed the mountains of the Snow Country of Japan - wild at heart.
Our kennels are in compliance with all AKC (American Kennel Club) regulations, we are USDA inspected and certified, and Alaska Business licensed. We breed, train and show purebred AKC Akitas, and place both show and companion Akitas into approved homes. We have both puppies, as well as the occasional older Akita available for adoption. Contact me to see what we have available at the moment.

Gotta love that quizzical Akita expression

All of our Akitas are selected to have amazing temperaments, especially around children, as we have two young children, so that is of utmost importance. If you decide you'd like to own an Arctic Akita, you can be assured that temperament has been a priority for our breedings. Keep in mind that Akitas need firm guidance to know what is right and wrong, and are not a dog for the faint of heart. You must possess sound leadership skills, and execute training from a young age, and well into adulthood. Akitas can be dog-aggressive, as their background does have dog-fighting in it, so if you're looking for a Poodle, you're not going to get it in an Akita. There is a lot of information on line about the Akita, and potential buyers need to be well-versed in what to expect from the Akita breed. Though they are not for everyone, Akitas can be a GREAT choice for the right families. For example, the Akita may not be for those that want a dog with a lab-like personality, that loves everyone instantaneously even if they are a potential threat, and retrieves balls till the sun goes down, never getting bored of it. But, like a lot of things, the more you put into something the more you will get back. Akitas have a LOT of love to give, and are in my opinion, the epitome of what a dog should be. You respect them, they'll do the same. Maintain consistent boundaries with them, and they will reward you with consistent behavior. They really are great dogs, just do your homework, as the numbers at the shelters are very disheartening. It's only fair to the dog to be an aware buyer.

Dedicated to Sheba, my first Akita. Truly wild in spirit.
We recently built a nice enclosure for our Akitas to spend time in. Inside we built deluxe dog houses that are fully insulated, so they can be comfortable even when it's really cold outside! They each take turns coming inside our little cabin, getting hugs and attention from us, going on car rides, going to places like Lowes and Pet Co, and just general socializing and hanging out with the family. We feed premium food (Diamond Naturals among others) to all our Akitas and Shibas, and supplement with bones from the butcher almost every day. This can get expensive, but we feel this is one investment that cannot be compromised. Our Akitas get one-on-one attention each and every day. They truly have a wonderful life up here in the Great North Land!

I never showed her (she was AKC), but she knew she was gorgeous!

We usually have a few litters every year, so check our 'Currently Available' page often for updates. We produce litters of both American Akitas, Japanese Akita Inus, as well as litters that blend the two types, aka "Tweenies". Tweenie Akitas are a mix of American and Japanese Akita - which is a controversial topic, but since all Akitas originated from the Japanese Akita Inu, there are also some breeders who believe in combining both types, to produce the BEST Akitas. I believe that a dog should be measured by its looks (Akita "type"), health, soundness and temperament. I strive to produce Akitas with traits characteristic of the original Snow Country Dog of old Japan. Check out the book, "Dog Man" - a must read for potential buyers!
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!
Melissa - Arctic Akitas (and Shibas!)
Akita Breeders / Shiba Inu Breeders in Fairbanks, Alaska (AK)
Alaska Akita Puppies / Shiba Inu Puppies